Founder's Desk

On behalf of our great Team, I would like to welcome you to SHAMS National School. We are always at your service, working with passion and dedication to offer you an academically – comprehensive and personally rewarding education.

All we request of you in exchange is that you make an equal effort to invest passion and dedication into your studies. With this exchange you will be on track towards a very successful lifetime career in the creative field of design.

SHAMS National School is more than just a school. Students and staff are working together in a friendly family like atmosphere with passion and dedication. We have not far from idea to action and are constantly improving in every way possible towards our goal to give our students the very best education living up to the latest marked demands. SHAMS National School is school with beautiful and inspiring surroundings.

The students wellbeing matters to us just as much as keeping a professional academic level. Each student is supported individually as it is our desire and goal to nurture the students’ different personalities and ideas from their first sketches to their finish project.

Our aim is to lead each one of you on to reach the highest standards of professionalism. It is as well our aim to help you enjoy this journey to the fullest.

SHAMS National School was founded in Surwal District of Siwan 2 nd April 2013.

I am certain that your forthcoming period of study will be challenging, rewarding and, above all, enjoyable. We hope your time at SHAMS National School will be one of the best times in your life. At

SHAMS National School the classes is given in a professional but friendly environment where the individual student and his/her cultural background and creative expression is respected and nurtured with huge care. Besides attending daily lectures our students all have a great deal of personal contact with the academic staff.

Our excellent teachers gives you the tools and help you on the way by giving you self-confidence and support for you to solve your projects within the demands given. Allow yourself to think outside of the box and not to follow mainstream opinions. Follow your dreams through hard work, dedication and by making the most use of all your senses.

Be innovative and just go for it! Remember passion is the clue to all success!

I send you all my best wishes on your journey.

Best of Luck
